Nutrition + Plan


Initial Consult – 1 hour - £100

The programme starts with an initial consultation in person or via zoom. We take a full case history, address any concerns and establish goals. This then provides me with the information needed to devise your bespoke plan.


Rolling Nutrition Plan - £99 per month

Within 7 days from the initial consult, you will be sent your first bespoke 2-week nutrition plan. The idea is to follow this plan back to back so that it lasts for 1 month. 10 days into the plan, there is a ‘30-minute check-in’. This gives us the opportunity to assess progress, address challenges and tweak the plan accordingly. On day 20 you will be asked if you’d like to continue with a new plan. This will be sent to you on day 26, a few days ahead of the start. Again, on day 10 we will have a ’30-minute check-in’ and so on.

This is a lifestyle plan which takes time to implement. The idea is to establish healthier habits, stay accountable throughout and make lasting changes. This is a personalized plan for YOU. As we  progress, we may need to draw on other tools to help us achieve these goals eg supplementation, testing, use of Continuous Glucose Monitors, fasting and so on. Exercise plans are also available on request.


What’s included in the monthly Nutrition Plan

-          2 week nutrition plan

-          Day 10 ‘30-minute check-in’

-          Lifestyle and Supplementation Advice

-          Weekly Whats App

Please note: Initial Consult of £100 is obligatory prior to embarking upon any plan. Extra support via Whats App or email is available at extra cost per month. Any Supplements and testing that may be recommended are also at extra cost.



Must be transferred before each plan is released.