About Me
Hi I’m Laura! I’m a nutritional therapist and personal trainer. I set up Eat Train Be out of a passion for food and fitness and I work with women. My aim is to inspire and motivate women to lead healthier lifestyles, to eat well, train effectively, find balance and feel the best that they can.
My interest in nutrition started in my late 20’s. At the time I was leading a less than healthy lifestyle and more often than not, I felt tired, sluggish and bloated. Out of desperation to feel better I read a book I was given on detoxing. I felt totally out of my comfort zone but soon found myself following a plan. It was tough and very different to my ‘norm’ but was simple enough to follow and the results were amazing. I was hooked. This was the moment I realised the power of nutrition and its impact on health. Inspired, in 2005, I enrolled myself onto a 4-year diploma at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition.
My fitness journey began soon after my daughter was born in 2009. I quickly realised that to get back into good shape I had to train too. I couldn’t just depend on a good diet! I began to love food and fitness in equal measures and now I focus on both in my practice to help other women best achieve their goals.
Despite living and breathing food and fitness I do believe in a balanced lifestyle. Life is too short! Finding that balance however can be a challenge. Sometimes we might think we have found it and then boom…. we’ve lost it again. Life is full of surprises and we are all unique and what works for one person might not work for the next. I see my job as helping women find their unique balance and learn how to realistically maintain it to suit their lifestyle.